Wednesday, May 9, 2007

importance is relative


i laughed.

sportscasters do this all the time (back me up here, the): i just watched a little clip from last night's game 2 of the spurs-suns series (where steve "where have all the white boys gone" nash was the phat). the anchor said something about "critical game three" coming up in a couple days.

when you're engaged in a sport that you care about, especially when getting paid pretty well for it, especially when playing at the NBA level, especially when in the playoffs, especially when in a series as heated as that superb southwestern match-up, isn't every freaking game critical???

just wondering.


Bill said...

Can you imagine a post-game interview... "we don't really mind losing that game, because it wasn't critical."

RPS said...

Funny, Bill.

Bill said...

Why are you using such cute pictures of your kids, and such an awful picture of you and rps?