Saturday, May 5, 2007



rachel and i rented bobby last evening. lemme clarify: i saw it, but she watched about 57% before falling asleep. come to think of it, rachel has probably fallen asleep during 57% of the movies we've ever "watched" "together".

i can't say i blame her. on a scale of 1 to 100, it was only about a 57. while the premise was compelling -- the stories of several guests at l.a.'s ambassador hotel converge on the night of robert kennedy's victory in the california primary as well as his assassination -- the delivery was less than stellar. speaking of stars, the film had plenty of power in that department, perhaps too much, which may have been its weakness. rachel was making comparisons to good night, and good luck., observing that bobby lacked the palpable drama and strong writing good night... had.

still, though i was born five years (and almost seven days) after these events, i was moved to think what this country would have been like with president robert kennedy in the white house for eight years, which i presume would probably have occurred. things would have been -- and thus would now be -- very different it seems: race relations, class distinctions, our role in the vietnam (and subsequently any) war. i'm no expert, but i think that difference would be nice right now.

still, it was nice to sit down and watch a movie with my wife...or at least watch a movie with my wife there. i feel like we hadn't done that in 57 weeks.

thanks for reading.


RPS said...

That was nice.

tworivers said...

I just love how you use numbers, Nat. I love it in real life, and I love it here.

And I have been watching only 57% of most of what has been showing on our TV of late, too. If I were to go to bed, just go to bed 43% earlier some nights, it might be good for me, too.

Bill said...

How would it be different? No Watergate, probably, but maybe something worse. You just don't know. I am probably reading something into this, but it seems like you're blaming Nixon for Vietnam, when in reality he was left to clean up Johnson's mess, just as the next president will have to clean up the Iraq mess.

Melindallaneous said...

It must be a good feeling to live in a time when we can look up to the president even if we disagree with him or her. That is how I felt at the JFK Museum in your hometown. Yes, I realize we are talking about his brother.

57% of the time I am with her she sleeps. The upside is that when she is awake and present, she makes up for it.

Awesome pics of the boys.

Carolina sister-in-law

nathaniel stine said...

what i meant was -- and perhaps this is naive -- that maybe the chasms between rich and poor, black (et al) and white, haves and have-nots, powerful and powerless would not be so wide. ironic that it's a rich, white, powerful "have" whom i'm suggesting that would help bring this about.