Wednesday, August 15, 2007

is it live, or...


music is my life. you don't have to know me that well to know that well. i love to perform it, talk about it, listen to it, write it, recommend it, worship through it, see others play it, delight in others' enjoyment of it.

but what is music? seems like a silly question, right? is it the piece of paper with little black dots on it handed to you at choir practice? is it the cd you throw into the car stereo? is it the 0's and 1's dancing their way from your iPod to your earbuds?

i submit that these are all mere representations of music. (this is not a novel concept.) music is organic. it is alive. beethoven copied down what he wanted his fifth symphony to sound like, but in essence each performance of it, each interpretation, is a brand new creation. the studio wizardry that went into the making of revolver and sgt. pepper produced some unbelievable stuff, but i'm sure those guys would even agree that they are but snapshots, and that in many ways 30th january 1969 yielded a truer musical moment. it's also why jazz is jazz; the idiom's very nature is one of letting the music happen right now. kind of blue would have been a muuuuch different record (and the purpose defeated) if miles & co. had laid down the tunes in more than one pass.

you musicians out there have probably participated in an impromptu jam session at some point in your "careers". 'member that? you probably do, because it was such a moment! some of my most creative musical nuggets have come via extemporaneous singing or playing. it's magical. by both performer and listener, music is best experienced live. we must heed the words of a wise sage: "you gotta lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go (whoa)..." mmmm -- i can taste mom's spaghetti right now.

gotta go. got rehearsal tonight. can't wait.

[by the way, best live show i've ever been to: indigo girls @ war memorial auditorium, greensboro, nc - 23rd june 2005.]


Rebecca said...

Interesting, too, about music is its need, so to speak, of time. You must hear it in sequence, in time. It progresses, and then it's done.

I don't know what that means, but it means something to me.

What does time mean, you know?

nathaniel stine said...

that is brilly, rjs. music is unlike visual art in that regard (though we would agree that one needs "time" to really experience a painting or sculpture). that's significant. thanks.

Rebecca said...

beautiful post! and so true.