Monday, August 27, 2007

"but the fruit of the spirit is....anxiety??!!"


no. it's not anxiety. but even in doing life in the spirit* i find, especially during this time of year, that's what is occupying the driver's seat. why?! i don't know. so i pray for my family and friends -- and heck, i'll even throw you the reader in there! -- that this anxiety and stress would somehow be turned into the spiritual fruits of (especially) love, joy, and peace.

love - that it would inhabit all our relationships and interactions: those closest to us as well as those we don't even know
joy - that we would go about even the most mundane events of our day with its perspective
peace - that it would wholly undergird us, especially knowing that most things are in Someone Else's control


*NOTE - i was gonna write "trying to do life in the spirit", but true spirit-life has nothing to do with "trying".


RPS said...

Thanks. This really helps.
--Your Non-Anxious Wife

anthony said...

Apropos of nothing...

"Neon Bible" by Arcade Fire. Holy moley!

--Your Hardly-EVER-Anxious Brother-in-Law

Jennie-Rebecca said...

We need a new post, dude.

anthony said...

Like, *sirriussly* though?

RPS said...

Dear Nat,

I've really enjoyed reading your new posts.

Your Friend,


anthony said...

I think continued blogging should be one of the fruits of the spirit. And your wife is a very funny person.

Anonymous said...

haha, dude, what a great family you have; they're the kind that would really tell you if you auditioned for something on reality TV that you really sucked at. We REALLY need more families like that. No, REALLY. That's somewhere in Scripture right?

anthony said...

I think Natty should audition for "Dancing With the Stars." As the guy who holds the cameraman's clipboard. ;-)

Is it possible to hijack somebody's long-defunct blog by starting a conversation entirely made up of comments?