Thursday, January 31, 2008

prayer and fasting for kenya


this is an email i got from bill today. you may have received it yourself, but i thought i'd post it here today:

I just chatted with Ken Oloo, a friend in Kenya. Like many Kenyans he is feeling hopeless today, as another MP has been murdered and things do not look to be improving. He is obviously wondering where his hope will come from.

I told him that Kenya has good friends around the world (particularly in North Carolina :-) ) and that this is not a repeat of Rwanda where nobody noticed until it was too late. We don't know exactly what to do, but we are very aware of what is happening. They are not abandoned.

I was surprised that he found that small expression of concern to be so encouraging.

Kenyan churches are calling for days of fasting and prayer, and Ken and I wondered, as a larger expression of concern, friendship, and intercession, if we here would join them on Monday. I told him I would do my best to spread the word at CHBC, Emmaus Way, and Chatham, and he would do the same at Mavuno, MDT, Nairobi Chapel, etc.

So please spread the word wherever you are, in NC, Georgia, Wisconsin, California, Long Island, DC; join with Kenya in a day of fasting and prayer on Monday.

Please put this on your church's prayer chains, announce it to your congregations, talk about it wherever you are, make Facebook pages, etc.

Perhaps like many of you, I am not always certain of the purpose of prayer. I don't know what God does with them, if anything at all. It's hard to say how it works or even if our criteria for success is the same as His. Fasting is even more of a mystery. But I can see that Kenya needs a miracle and I am not too proud to ask for one... or at least I'll put my pride aside for one day.

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