Thursday, January 10, 2008

god bless yohe, ahrens, and dorough


a question for those born between 1967 and 1975*: why, when the boys and i watched their (our) newly-acquired schoolhouse rock DVD today, did tears come to my eyes? it was weird, but something i couldn't help.

*specifically, perhaps, if you were born in 1970 on either 10 march or 21 april.


Dave! said...

I guess it's because ...

It's Schoolhouse Rocky
That chip off the block
Of your favorite schoolhouse,
School House Rock!

anthony said...

Possible causes:

1) The relief of finding something you thought was lost (or at least of being grateful to see it again).

2) Nostalgia for your own childhood... yours specifically, but also the groovy world of the early-'70s in general.

3) The thrill of sharing an iconic, formative piece of that childhood with your sons, who will hopefully remember it later (if not obsess over it) in their own lives.

4) Maybe a mourning for a loss of the childlike innocence that makes one take things like Schoolhouse Rock so immediately to heart in the first place? Tho' that still seems to be very much in place, I must say.

"A man and a woman / had a little baby
(yes they di-i-d)
They had three-ee in the family..."

;-) (easy)

Pj said...

Cool! Can we come watch too?

Jennie-Rebecca said...

What A. said.

Plus, there is NOTHING cynical in those delightful didactic animated shorts--and Grammar Rock is suprisingly nuanced & detailed.


anthony said...

I still wish Morphine had covered "Number Nine" before Mark Sandman went on permanent hiatus.

Maybe in heaven.

Bill said...

Or maybe it's because you're such a woman.