Monday, July 23, 2007

sorry...but then again, not so much

hi. sorry for not posting. we were in michigan.

but then again, not so sorry. we were in michigan. i'll tell you all about it in a future post.

i wanna solicit your ideas. the bible church is going to be focusing on LOVE this fall. our worship gatherings will reflect this, and i would love know ideas you have for songs, poems, and other expressions that express this well. obviously, it is a very broad subject, so feel free to roam that vast landscape for any cool creative nuggets. i would love to see people's notion of love to be challenged, expanded, reimagined. what is loving our neighbor? how can we really apply the parable of the 'good samaritan'? what does loving god mean? how is god's love for us manifested in our lives? is it more than just 'knowing' or 'feeling' that god loves us? what are some ways we humans distort love and expressions of love? how does this world actually love well? i'm having a mini- planning meeting about looking at the fall today, so i may know more after that.

help me out. thanks.


Jennie-Rebecca said...

OK, but do you really know what you're asking?

Here is an interesting expression of love--for another Creature, but also of all creation.

(Perhaps you know the Britten?)

How was ELK LAKE? I was so jealous of you guys!

anthony said...

Hope you're having a classic Elk Lake Experience... wish we were swimmin' and sunnin' and eatin' lunch on the dock with all of you.

Beware the Grubers.
I'm just sayin'.

anthony said...

Ah, yes. Now I see. By "we WERE in Michigan", you clearly indicated that your trip had already taken place. Past-tense. Done and over.

My mistake.

Hope it was brilliant anyway...