Tuesday, July 3, 2007



those of you with last names stine, falcetta, or carnall will immediately recognize that first set of three letters. for those of you lesser beings, those letters stand for "skinny little shit", the nickname that my mother betsy carnall stine and her cohorts assigned to her beloved frank sinatra.

so i threw some SLS in the cd player the other day and was almost immediately hit with tears, his remarkable voice triggering memories of my mother. there is not a specific song, and there is not a specific memory which comes to mind, but rather kind of general, happy, thankful thoughts of and for her life. that happens occasionally when i think of her. i didn't shed a tear the day she died, nor at her memorial service (just barely). but about every four to six months, something will connect emotionally/mentally and the tears will gather.

but man oh man, the man could sing. he really did make each song his own, and you can hear how much better he did it at 65 than at 30. i am glad to have "inherited" her four-disc set the complete capitol singles collection, and am looking forward to becoming more acquainted with it.

thank you, bets, for modeling taste in good music.


Richella Parham said...

This is so cool. I'm glad your mom modeled good taste in music for you; she obviously left quite a legacy. And, yes, that SLS really could sing. (He could act, too: ever seen From Here to Eternity?)

Jennie-Rebecca said...

The great thing about Ol' Blue Eyes is that you don't have to be a 46-year-old female to enjoy his music. (wink)

anthony said...
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anthony said...

Nice one, JR.

Feel the BURN, Groban!