Thursday, June 21, 2007

nasal passage*

*it was either this or "POST: nasal drip".

hi. sorry i've been out o' commission. i have good excuses.

so i had my nasal polyp surgery two weeks ago today. i went under general anesthesia for a little over two hours (my first time ever experiencing that -- dada no likey), and they shaved out the polyps and straightened my deviated septum. dr. clarke shoved some packing up in there to help it all heal in place.

[warning: please put down your strawberry smoothie for this next paragraph.]

i (slowly) woke up and needed water NOW, so they got me some 'ice chips'. apparently, i had vomited pretty violently at some point right before i awoke; of course, i have zero recollection of this. i also had this "drip-pad" right under my nostrils to soak up the flow of blood. not the most physically ideal situation to wake up to.

i totaled about six (6) hours of sleep the next four days and nights, mostly due to the inability to breathe out m'nose. it wasn't 'til monday afternoon that i began to feel "normal": some of the packing had begun to dissolve, which provided some airflow out m'nostrils. wednesday morning i went to dr. clarke and he sucked out most of the rest of the gunk that was up there. that was the turning point; my first inhalation after that was evidence enough that this surgery was worth it. i was already breathing better than i had in literally years.

it's now two weeks later, and i am a new man. seriously. before the surgery, i would ordinarily wake up about every 90 minutes-2 hours most every night (and fall right back to sleep, but it still was interruptive). the last seven days have consisted of full-ish nights of sleep (barring my three-day trip to boston last weekend to my sister's kick-ass party for getting her Ph.D.), and i feel better every day!! i'm so thankful.

dr. clarke is tha man. i told him he changed my life. he took it well.


Pj said...

Welcome back, Nat. We missed you. I'm glad to hear you are on the healing path!

Jennie-Rebecca said...

N--so glad you are better. Keep up with the Rhino horn. BTW, way to find my web presence (that pic is in Duke Gardens).

nathaniel stine said...

couldn't find the rhino horn anywhere, so i bought this ceramic alternative. no workee as well as rhino.

anthony said...

The Nose Fairy has heard of your plight, and a real Rhino Horn is now on its way to you. Delivery estimate: between 6/30-7/5. (No, I'm not kidding.)

I'm a *no* pour saltwater in my nose using an inferior Neti pot! :)

Rebecca said...

Yeah, Dr. Clarke!

Yea, Jenny's web presence (good to *see* you, Jenny!)!!

Yea, Nat's nose!!!

What the *&%$ is a rhino horn (aside from the obvious, which I just got to see in its natural environment (albeit from a distance) Just Last Week)*sigh*???

anthony said...

Hi Rebecca... your African adventures sounded amazing! (I've been checking in on your blog now and then.)

Go here:

It should clear up the mystery.
Say hi to Bill and the rest of the Stevensons for me!

anthony said...

Oh heck, that link didn't paste right. It's