Tuesday, June 5, 2007

i am not a forty-six-year-old female

but i gotta tell you: i really, really love josh groban's voice. seriously.

who's with me?

anyone? anyone at all....



anthony said...

Needless to say, I found this post *highly* amusing.

Josh Groban, on the other hand...


RPS said...

Very good. Both of you.

endru said...

I'm with the crickets.... sorry.

Unknown said...

You are now entering menopause.

Samlet said...

I am not afraid to say that I'm with you. It's a gorgeous voice. It's just the cheesy arrangements that are the problem.

nathaniel stine said...

YES, susan! that's it exactly. 'you raise me up' is a great song until the big final chorus with the obligatory key change and pseudo-gospel choir. and i think if these other friends here would search their hearts and look past the arrangements, they would admit to liking the voice as well.

who's with me?

anyone? anyone at all....


anthony said...

Okay, I'm searching...


/rummages around in heart for any sign of liking Josh Groban/

Nope, sorry.

Dave! said...

You are correct. You are, in fact, a thirty-four-year-old female.

In fact, given that you are a female who likes women (your wife), it is probably more accurate to say that you are a thirty-four-year-old lesbian.

Glad you're feeling better!